Zup's Food Markets

Business in Ely, MN

Zup’s store has a long tradition of superior sausage products, family involvement and home town pride. Established in 1916, “Grandpa” John Zupancich purchased the original store from Frank Jenko. The store at that time was directly across the street from its present location. Due to the popularity of the wide variety of products and the “old world” sausages, Zup’s store found itself beginning to incorporate immediate family members into it’s employ. Originally operated by Grandpa John and his sons, Joseph, Eddie, Ludwig, Bill, Leonard, Albert and John Jr., the store continues within family management by the grandsons and great grandsons of John Zupancich.

Grandpa had built the popularity of the store long before it’s inception. He had, for many years already been making sausages for friends and family with the supply increasing year by year. Zup’s store and it’s family workforce was able to expand the sausage making division to where they are known coast to coast for the delectable treats.

Zup’s Market has grown immensely since 1916. They now have six stores in operation:
Ely, Babbitt, Aurora, Tower, Silver Bay and Cook.

Founded on family tradition, the spirit still lives within the organization. The friendly greetings, the welcoming smiles and always an extended hand of help. Zup’s popularity is well known and quite apparent; just take a look at the Guest book and see for yourself! Ely may be the Canoe Capitol of the World but it also has the world’s finest sausages too! …

Map and Info
Zup's Food Markets

St. Louis County, MN

St. Louis County, MN

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