Elmore, MN

Town in Faribault County, MN

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Sponsors of Elmore, MN

Since the founding of our communities, organizations, businesses and citizens have stepped forward to build and serve their community. Click on any of the logos below to learn about those who made this website possible! If you would like to learn about becoming a sponsor CLICK HERE!

About Elmore, MN

In 1858, the Commissioners named our little town Dobson. In 1863, the name was changed to Elmore in honor of Judge A.E. Elmore--someone decided to honor him but it is said that he never even visited Elmore.

Many people still refer to some of the older things as Dobson. Dobson was a name of some of the first settlers most of which are now deceased with descendents somewhere, but none in Elmore.

The town was known as a railroad town. Trains came from the Cities to Elmore and turned around and went back. Trains also came from Omaha Nebraska and did the same thing. We had a "roundhouse" that could switch the trains back to their origin.

Elmore used to have a weekly paper called the Elmore Eye that ran from 1892 through 1991. (The Elmore Area Historical Society [Museum] has the micro film for the years 1892-1918 and from 1925-1991. The Museum also has a reader-printer).

Elmore's first graduating class was in 1917; the last in 1990 at which time the high school went to Blue Earth. In 1997, the elementary school closed due to lack of students and also went to Blue Earth. The Blue Earth Area School District now covers most of western Faribault County. The Elmore School building is currently occupied by the Elmore Academy-YSI which is a residential facility for adjudicated youth.

They also provide the community with the Wildcat Cafe that is located on Willis Street in the former Elmore Eye/Senior Citizen building.

At one time, we were a bustling little town. There were two banks, but one closed during the depression; also had two elevators, one of which closed in 1989(?), a furniture store, several hardware stores, 3-4 grocery stores, gas stations, and beer parlors. Like most other small communities, we have lost many businesses and have suffered a major decline in population.

Businesses of Elmore, MN

The businesses of our towns are truly the lifeblood of each community, click on any businesses below to learn about them, to learn how to add your business to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Community Organizations of Elmore, MN

Small towns and rural communities throughout the Midwest are looking for ways to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life, and build on local assets. Here you will find the organizations that stabilize, preserve, and revitalize the small towns and rural areas alike. To submit your organization to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Events of Elmore, MN

The small towns of the Midwest have long shared pride in their communities through festivals and events! Citizens from each community, working together, continue to offer entertainment options that not only appeal to their citizens, but visitors to their community! Below you will find festivals and events you are sure to want to attend! If you would like to have (DST) include an annual festival or event on your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Faith Organizations of Elmore, MN

Throughout the years faith organizations have not only been an essential part of a town's religious life, but its community life. Below you will find stories about these organizations, If you would like to induct a faith organization to be added to your town and county page CLICK HERE!

Points of Interest of Elmore, MN

The communities of the Midwest have a lifestyle unique to their region — rich in history and points of interest like no other! Below you will find points of interest you are sure to want to visit! To nominate a landmark, historic location, museum, etc. as a point of interest on your county and region page CLICK HERE!

Faribault County, MN

Visit our county page and you will find information about our town and county's points of interest, festivals/events and faith community. You also will learn about the community organizations that have built and continue to build strong communities (chambers, community groups, and departments, etc) and much more when you visit the Faribault County, MN page.

Veterans of Faribault County, MN

Veterans come from many walks of life and whether a veteran has severed two decades ago or two days ago, they have made our freedoms possible. Below you will find stories about many who have served. If you would like to nominate a veteran to be included on your town and county page CLICK HERE!